Saturday, March 24, 2007

Orienteering at Hilton Falls

The March training of the interclub program is now available; Waterloo Stars have set up a couple of training exercises at the west end of the Hilton Falls map including novice courses. The Stars will do this training March 25th, but the ribbons will remain in the woods for another few weeks. E-mail hans dot fransson at cogeco dot ca if you would like a copy of the map(s).
PS. This will be great preparation for all raid runners since this will be the typ of terrain that the raid will go through.


At 10:17 PM, Blogger Sidd97 said...

I was on this training map today. Terrain is very tough and the sections of the map blanked out are very rugged. Moss covered rock highways are not identified on this map. Lots of features but perhaps too many. Reminds me of the NAOC's. Ribbons generally clearly identify controls. Thanks to the Stars for setting this up. Likely will go out on it again.



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