Horseshoe Resort Snowshoe Raid

Totally revised map of the 1994 NAOC terrain by Olles maps. 20cm of fresh powder on a 80cm base. -8C with bright sunshine. A good field of top orienteers and adventure racers from southern Ontario, free gaiters to all participants, awesome post race food and atmosphere, a course designed by Canada's top adventure racer Bob Miller (4th in 2006 Primal Quest), changing navigation strategies, lots of calf burning climbs and over $2.5K in prizing.
Mark Adams destroyed the field getting all 25 checkpoints in just over 2.5 hours - and in the process won a free weekend for two (accomodation and food) at Horseshoe Resort. Heck, I came third and still went home with a pair of awesome Salomon Gore Tex Trail shoes. Pretty sweet, eh!
Full results, more photos, feedback and maps are here.
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