Friday, March 16, 2007


26 minutes and 13 seconds - that is the new Winter Rally record. After a few days of spring weather, winter returned and made the golf course more winter like again. The course was still fast though, at least before the snow really started to fall. But both the Nancy Green hill and the Ron Lowry hill were (and will be for some time) more like ice rinks, and anything but orienteering shoes or ice bugs would have made it very difficult to climb those hills. With 26.13, Hans beat the old record with about 30 seconds. There is probably "time" for one more rally before golf season starts, and the focus will shift to the Escarpment Rally.


At 6:52 PM, Blogger BarbC said...

30 seconds!! Wow, that's HUGE. Congrats, Hans.

At 7:23 PM, Blogger GHO said...

Hans, your times are incredibly fast. First 16th in the Chilly Half and now this. Really impressive!!



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