GHO Open Sprint Champs

June 20 @ Christie Conservation Area, Flamborough.
This event is open to all orienteers in Ontario (and from elsewhere).
Register here.
There is a fee to enter the park.
GHO Open Sprint Championships Update:
This event will consist of 2 sprints. The first sprint is about 3 km using the trails south of the reservoir. The second sprint is about 2 km and in the park above the reservoir. Both events will be submitted to the North American Sprint Series. Both sprints will use SI gear for start and finish and some of the controls. The courses will be open from 5 to 6:30 pm.
A novice course will be available if interest is shown. Also the trails south of the reservoir are excellent for mountain biking and the first sprint controls relatively accessible. Feel free to use this option for a training exercise.
See the maps above for directions to the park and the event parking and registration. Christie Conservation Area is located on the south side of Dundas Avenue (Hwy #5) just west of Flamborough Downs Horse race track. On entering the park proceed south to the T junction and turn west. Continue on that road until turning left in the parking lot, just before the chain across the road. Registration and the start is over by the shaded picnic tables near the dam. Please support the future of orienteering and make a donation to the GHO junior development fund.
See Who is Coming.
There are lots of maps so please feel free to show up and do one or both sprint courses or a novice course.
I may bring a bunch of novices (4-6) but won't know until tomorrow. Also, the decision depends on the time of the sprints - I haven't seen that information.
Sorry about that. The sprints will be using start and finish SI units so you can run them anytime starting between 5 to 6:30 pm.
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